Hey everyone sorry i haven't posted it's been a busy couple of days.All the critters are doing great and i got these two new puppies well my mom did they were left in Bethelm and there was four but the person that found them kept two and well the dog we got last week didn't work for my mom and her boyfriend. It was a bummer but i now know that the puppy's aren't still in someone's backyard because the owner that had the mom left them in his backyard and moved and took the mom only which is a shame.I call them bonnie and Clide. Also i brought my friends Mike and Billy and mike has never really been around a sheep so he thought they were nice animals like dogs but he was wrong about bucky and he got "bucked" and he was scared and opened the gate and ran to my truck and and jumped on my roof it was hillarious! Bucky is like my guard dog though he makes me mad about how he is with the others he hits them or knocks them down and i get very angery with that exspecially for the up comming moms. But i most say the mama goat stands her ground and shows bucky and rams her with her nice set of horns. Which i am glad bucky is like that because i know something is guarding my flock when i'm not around because i never want anything to happen to them they are my pride and joy! Well im out for know.
Wow, Nathan, you are full of surprises! Congratulations on your new dogs! They are adorable! Dogs like that are really good for keeping rats away from your barn. Thank Goodness those dogs found you, Nathan! Lucky puppies!
What cute puppies Nathan. The names tell me that they are a boy and girl. Do you know how old they are? I can't believe someone abandoned them.
Your phone really takes nice pictures. How do you upload the pictures to the blog? Can all phones do that?
You are really becoming a good Blogger!
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