Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Turns to be a beautiful day outside!

Hey-yall when i got out of school i went to the feed mill to get grain and rabbit food and picked up some cat litter for my lil kitty sweatheart. It was interesting when i got to the sheep i heard break noise like off trees and i looked and it was deer it was amazing there gorgeous animals. Except i will never forget the one winter day when i kept hay in the side room and i went in there and a deer jumped up right in my face and was kicking everything scared the crap out of me. But when i look at how i ran out of there like a girl i laugh my but off! I think i am going to seperate delilah from the others because they are all mean to her and she dosen't get alot of food and i take her out because the mama goatie and her do not get along so i take her out give her grain and hay and then bring her back in and she is happy but i'm alil nervous when she lambs because i don't want nothing bad to happen like lat year and i think my ram bucky had something to do with daisy-may's death but there going to have to be seperated. well going to go check on my critters well bye for now.


Yuckie day out

Today will stink just like yesterday because it is rainy and in the pasture it is all mud! I hate mud but what can i say.My new west highland terrior puppys are doing great! Bonie and Clide what cool dogs but they like to bark but if my mom thinks she is going to get rid of them i will get rid of her. All the sheep are doing great and my goaties but i still can't belive the mama goatie fights bucky how random is that if you can tell me because i always know of ram and ram or ewew and ewe but never the opposite sex.well i have to go learn and take of my animals and tonight i will be going to work at 5:30 so i wont be around..


Monday, January 28, 2008

Finally got my scotish farm dogs

Hey everyone sorry i haven't posted it's been a busy couple of days.All the critters are doing great and i got these two new puppies well my mom did they were left in Bethelm and there was four but the person that found them kept two and well the dog we got last week didn't work for my mom and her boyfriend. It was a bummer but i now know that the puppy's aren't still in someone's backyard because the owner that had the mom left them in his backyard and moved and took the mom only which is a shame.I call them bonnie and Clide. Also i brought my friends Mike and Billy and mike has never really been around a sheep so he thought they were nice animals like dogs but he was wrong about bucky and he got "bucked" and he was scared and opened the gate and ran to my truck and and jumped on my roof it was hillarious! Bucky is like my guard dog though he makes me mad about how he is with the others he hits them or knocks them down and i get very angery with that exspecially for the up comming moms. But i most say the mama goat stands her ground and shows bucky and rams her with her nice set of horns. Which i am glad bucky is like that because i know something is guarding my flock when i'm not around because i never want anything to happen to them they are my pride and joy! Well im out for know.


Saturday, January 26, 2008


Today i have to go to work and make some money for the critters and truck because you all know how expensive gas is! It stinks because i don't get out until 5 and it'll be dark after i get to see my critters and i know sweetheart is going to miss me because she sets in the truck all day and loves to go to tractor supply with me and i must say she is the only cat that likes to go for rides that i know of anyways. Well chow for now got to get ready for work.


Thursday, January 24, 2008

Feeding and a SICK KITTY!!!

Today i was out with the sheep for two hours in the day light and i herad this crying so then i found this sick cat in the hay so i warm up some lamb milk replacer because it's medicated and he loved IT!! I also gave him a can of wet food and dry but i think he is going to be fine i think he has a cold and was in a fight with another cat but i have him lovcked up in a safe warm place so he can get better and the sheep are doing great. It seems like delilah is getting bigger and bigger by the day but i can't wait for some baby's on the farm but i hope it is warm when they are born but they control that and i have a pregant cat i think but time will tell i wish she wasn't though but don't haver to much money to take her to the vet yet. Well i'm out for now.


Monday, January 21, 2008

Cold but i have work to do

Well today i'm going to go buy some hay then clean and burn some grain bags because i don't hve a weekly garabage at my grams anymore so i will live. But i need to get some coffee because thats how i stay alive.ahh j.k but i hope you all are loveing the blog and the pictures but i have to go check on everybody (animal wise) and i almost forgot we got a new dog named i don't know yet because my mom and her boyfriend can't decide. Well off for now maybe i will put another one in later.Bye-now

Cold but i have work to do

Sunday, January 20, 2008


Hey yall! Well today it is very cold and its going to be 9F well for us thats cold but maggie i'm sure this is nothing to I but straw in the dog houses for the kitties and well the have the barn in the hay which i find cody in there alot and the camper is open for them so they have a place and the sheep and goats i put hay in the barn and outside but there all outside but i have to go down there to feed them there nightly grain they love that because it's like candy to them and i love knowing that there full at the end but there loving the cold because there getting hot water because the pipes are frozen to the hose and there buckets are like cement! But thats how winter is well lets all hope that no baby's in any of my critters have baby's! Well thats it for now.


Friday, January 18, 2008

Another day

well my cat sweeheart is very bad she likes to go up to my neighbors and pester them but she only likes to do that because they put food out and it makes me mad when they keep calling me and i know there putting food out because she comes down to my house and then goes up there for seconds. But the sheep are having a ball i gave them som evergreen branches along with a bale of hay and a couple of ears of corn! They were so happy! I love when there happy because they have helped me out so much in the past two years that no one would understand unless they had my lofe or sheep. Also the chickens were happy because they ate some corn from when it would fall out of the sheep and the goaties mouths. But i can't wait for lambing and kidding because i will be one of the most happy and proudist parents ever! Well enjoy your weekend and some of the farm pictures bye for now becaus ei have to got to work for them critters.


Thursday, January 17, 2008

Ahhh earliy get the worm!

Ahh again i'am sore and i think it is fromm cheasing sheep and when my cousins dog came up and chased my one young goat in the woods so it was crazy! Istill have to do the boys probally today after med-terms. YAY we get out early so i am very satisfied.But i'm going to get out and check on my critters and then go to wawa for the best cheap coffee!well have a great day!


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Gettting ready for lambing and kidding

Hey-Yall all today was ecitting but what can i say when midterms were done i went right to the sheep billy,keith and were trim hooves and chopping females wool and mo-hair to get them ready but i have to say i need new scissors! But my hoof trimmers are great i just got them at the tractor supply because my other pair was old an dull. But keith i should say was the one to help me because billy would not touch them but he is the same when we worked for maggie he says he done it enough before i also gave the sheep some ever green branches they love thaa they watched me pick it up and till i put it in there pasture. Ahhh i love them so much well off to bed have to get some studying in.Bye-now

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


It's very cold the cats are all nice and covered up in the hay but the sheep just love the cold there out sitting under the stars. But were expecting snow so i can't wait i love the snow as of the sheep! I think cody my new cat i got from mr. pabst went after the little chicken but she got away but cody loves to watch them chickens peck at the ground! But what is there to say tonight water bottles on the bunny cages but that's why they invented hot water! But neighbor is calling about the girl kitty is up at her house but i tell her not feed her and she be up there but go to go. Bye-now

Monday, January 14, 2008

Feeding in the Dark

Well tonight i went down to feed the sheep and it was dark, wet, and muddy. It stinks when it is like that. But they wanted there grain hay and water but i tell you come this spring im going to make a portable pasture and have them out of there pature for now (when spring comes). I only say that because i got to let them let the ground settle and also let them get some growth in there but were going to have to wait for spring. But winters projeject will be to fix the leaking in the hay loft in the barn so i can keep nice hay up there so the critters don't run all over in the barn like the goaties because they love to do that but it stinks because it is just like burnig money. but as long as there happy i geuss i will be. But everytime they get out they run right to the evergreen pile they love that so i throw some in there and they go wild! Well im out for now.-Bye-now

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Another new cat on the farm

Hello well today was a great day me and my sis Bria went on the mountain sides and were seeing alot of neat scenes.And went a little off roading on some farmers feilds with the white beast and then we ended up in alpha and i was suppose to meet Mr. Pabst at the high school and instead i mean him at walmart in p-burg and got his cat but the kitty needed a place to run thats why he asked if i could get him. But he's happy and so am i and his name is coddy and he will have all the nice and rats to eat! And a post on delialah she is getting hudger by the day so i'm thinking next month or maybe two which i would prefer so i don't get chilled lambs! Well lets not for get the goaties i think she is pregant and well i need to cut some of her mo hair to get her ready well were expecting snow so im going to go to bed. Bye-now