Thursday, January 17, 2008

Ahhh earliy get the worm!

Ahh again i'am sore and i think it is fromm cheasing sheep and when my cousins dog came up and chased my one young goat in the woods so it was crazy! Istill have to do the boys probally today after med-terms. YAY we get out early so i am very satisfied.But i'm going to get out and check on my critters and then go to wawa for the best cheap coffee!well have a great day!


1 comment:

Maggie's Farm said...

Nathan!! I love your blog!! What a wonderful surprise - it made me cry to look at the pictures!! I'm so PROUD of you!! You are a wonderful shepherd and goatherd - and you take pretty good pictures, too! I like the way you are giving the goats evergreens...hmmm, good. Just like chocolate for them!

Love you and miss you,
