Sunday, January 20, 2008


Hey yall! Well today it is very cold and its going to be 9F well for us thats cold but maggie i'm sure this is nothing to I but straw in the dog houses for the kitties and well the have the barn in the hay which i find cody in there alot and the camper is open for them so they have a place and the sheep and goats i put hay in the barn and outside but there all outside but i have to go down there to feed them there nightly grain they love that because it's like candy to them and i love knowing that there full at the end but there loving the cold because there getting hot water because the pipes are frozen to the hose and there buckets are like cement! But thats how winter is well lets all hope that no baby's in any of my critters have baby's! Well thats it for now.



Maggie's Farm said...

Nathan - I love your pictures!! Yes, it's very cold here and I'm watching for lambs and kids all the time. Remember, hay in the belly makes the sheep warmer than grain. I was very surprised to learn that. So be sure to give them plenty of hay and just a little bit of grain. I know you must be tired from hauling all that water, but you are not alone!

miaaviva said...

hey nathan! this is awesome, wow, what a great farmer you have become, but we both know that you have learned from the best (my mom!) hope all is well, miss you! take care!