Thursday, January 24, 2008

Feeding and a SICK KITTY!!!

Today i was out with the sheep for two hours in the day light and i herad this crying so then i found this sick cat in the hay so i warm up some lamb milk replacer because it's medicated and he loved IT!! I also gave him a can of wet food and dry but i think he is going to be fine i think he has a cold and was in a fight with another cat but i have him lovcked up in a safe warm place so he can get better and the sheep are doing great. It seems like delilah is getting bigger and bigger by the day but i can't wait for some baby's on the farm but i hope it is warm when they are born but they control that and i have a pregant cat i think but time will tell i wish she wasn't though but don't haver to much money to take her to the vet yet. Well i'm out for now.



Maggie's Farm said...

What a good daddy you are, Nathan! I agree, it is always better to have babies when it is warm...but at least we don't have the flies, right?

lindalou said...


I love your blog! I am very proud of you! Keep up the hard work!