Monday, February 4, 2008


Hey-yall Sorry i have been poting but i have been covering alot at work and when im not at work im with the loves of my life my critters! Well for the past few days my sheep and goats been doing great! And yesterdaymy step sister Brianna came with me and my little scotish puppies to feed and be with my sheep before the hole party that was going on at the house but i hate leaving them i wish i got payed to be with them day round! Bonnie and Klide loved it they were running all over the place but cody and sweetheart didn't like them so much well i must say none of them did because there little and love to play but they were so tired when we came home because they ran alday and slept when we went inside and they laid right down and were passed out which i was glad they ran in the feild and actually everywhere! I was happy to knwo those two where having a great time! It seems everyday that the pregant ladies are getting bigger and bigger. but yet maggie is going through alot with not sleeping im so proud and happy for you!!!! Well going to crash a little early tonite well out for now.


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