Well how are we dong on this fine sunday after noon. Well there is alot of things to tell about me and my critters. Well the easiest to get up the hill to mrs.hartungs would have been bucky because he followed me right up as for the rest i had to drag them up the hill and it was fun except my one sheep dolly she was so heavy i would say 250 pds.! She is a fat as for chesnut but back to her she had to be lift to get up the hill she had my for arms strong it felt good. THen the goats i carried the young female because she weighs about 70 pds so it wasn't that bad. But we saved the best for last which would be chesnut i had 5 people help me lift him up in my truck because he was stubbern so i just drove him up in the back of my truck but i brought my two troughs up and they were coantent But there content in there new home or temporary but we closed off the bigger pature so it can grow and i got orchard grass for it so there having a ball and my ram bucky was jumping on mrs.hartungs ewe which was surprising so we will see how that go's. Well i'm out for now school tommrow. YAY! NOT..haha